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用聲音說書的吟遊詩人 - 王榆鈞(節錄)







Folk-Chansons fürs Kopfkino – Rezension des Albums von Yujun „Abandoned Garden“ (excerpt)


Es gibt Musik, auf der man surfen, und Musik, in die man ein- und abtauchen kann. Das fesselnde neue Album „Abandoned Garden“ der taiwanischen Singer-Songwriterin Yujun gehört eindeutig zu letzterer Kategorie. Es ist ihr erstes „richtiges“ Album mit Bandbegleitung, nachdem sie zuvor zwei Alben allein eingespielt hatte. Die Musikerin, die auch fürs Theater komponiert, vertont darin ihre eigenen Texte sowie Gedichte anderer Künstler und verwandelt sie unter Einsatz einer Vielzahl von Instrumenten wie Gitarre, Akkordeon, Kontrabass und Trompete in berührende Folk-Chansons. Vergleiche mit Françoiz Breut, Spain, Calexico oder der deutschen Band Element of Crime sind hier sicherlich nicht aus der Luft gegriffen. So entsteht eine intime, wehmütige Atmosphäre, die zuweilen auch an eine sanftere Version der Theatermusik erinnert, die Tom Waits für Robert Wilson komponierte.


...Yujun macht Musik, die keinen Trends folgt, Musik für Erwachsene, die eine verblüffend heilsame Wirkung entfaltet, die fremd ist und vertraut zugleich. Dieser talentierten Taiwanerin solltet ihr unbedingt zuhören: Auch wenn ihr nichts versteht, werdet ihr verstehen.

... (Click the up photo to read whole article.)

Hsin-Yi Chang




攝影 Harold Tseu


Floating Project x
Yujun Wang

Music review

Floating Project Vol. 3 Dec. 2014

by Jens Wuebben

Hsin-Yi Chang


國家文化藝術基金會線上誌2014年7月號藝文網絡 – 國際鏈結 I

by 張倚郡

攝影 Harold Tseu

Blow Music x
Yujun Wang


Blow - Bark樂是浮生錄 2014年12月9號

by 採訪 筑涵 / 編輯整理 李欣嘉  

攝影 謝岱汝  / 提供 王榆鈞與時間樂隊

旁敲側擊 - 十鼓擊樂團之不簡單經營法(節錄)










... (閱讀全文,請點選以上照片)

Drumming up a New Path: the Innovative Business Model of the Ten Drum Art Percussion Group (excerpt)


In my career as an arts administrator, I had held few full-time posts when I was in Taiwan. Since the four years overseas, I have collaborated with more than a dozen Taiwanese groups or projects.  Among these, Tainan’s Ten Drum Art Percussion Group has taken one of the most unusual and innovative paths toward development and sustainability. 


I first learned of Ten Drum at the “Off” Festival in Avignon in 2011.  At the time, all I knew was that it was the troupe’s second appearance in Avignon and that as an emerging percussion troupe in southern Taiwan, it rivaled the eminent U Theatre in the north.  However, it was clear that the two percussion groups differ in both their performance styles and philosophies.  U Theatre emphasizes the union of art and spirituality – its students begin their musical education with meditation practice.  Like ancient Chinese poetry, its performance is exquisite, elegant, and infused with Zen.  Ten Drum, on the other hand, has developed its theory about agriculture and nature’s influence on music and rhythm.  The group aims to carry on Taiwan’s Taoist traditional culture as embodied in the music and dance during temple festivals.  Like a folktale, its performance is accessible and often has includes a narrative element. 

... (Click the up photo to read whole article.)

Visiting The Ten Drum Cultural Village in Tainan, Taiwan -
Ten Drum Art Percussion Group


by Steven Crook

Taiwan Has a Unique Culture. (excerpt)


GrammyAward-nominated Ten Drum Art Percussion Group has created a fascinating culture park centered on traditional drumming on the site of a disused sugar refinery in Tainan County.


TRADITIONAL TAIWAN moves to the beat of a drum. During temple rites, massive mechanized thuds alternate with the tolling of a bell. When chanting litany, Daoist priests keep up a constant tick-tocking on small, fish-shaped solid-wood drums. During the solemn rites every September 28 at Taiwan's Confucian temples, drums of five different sizes are played.


Even in the 21st century, drums, bells, gongs, fireworks, and firecrackers form the soundtrack for religious parades and temple celebrations, and thanks to the efforts of Ten Drum Art Percussion Group, a performance and educational troupe, drumming –inspired by, yet not beholden to, tradition – is becoming a part of Taiwan's modern urban culture too.

... (Click the up photo to read whole article.)

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