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Stella TSAI | Project Coordinator
蔡瑞伶 | 專案協力 

Professional writer and photographer from Taiwan. She has been active in design, film and performing arts industries for years, and currently working in film project promotion platform and freelance writing for design and performing arts media. Majored in Creative Industries Management, TSAI has worked in well-known design magazines as editor and marketing sales, and the PR & Touring administrator for percussion group in the Festival du Avignon OFF. Based in Taiwan she is  well-know columnist of The Polysh design website and dedicates to support collaborations and expand the viability and visibility of creators.  More about Stella and her column at The Polysh  



Lin Ping HUANG | Project Coordinator
黃玲萍 | 專案協力 

Born in Taiwan, with deep affection for theater she joined theater technical work as freelancer in 1995. As a well-known senior technical manager, she involved in many worldwide performances, projects and festivals in Taiwan, executed various positions, such as lighting supervisor, stage manager, technical coordinator, tour and production manager in following established performing arts companies: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre ("Songs of the wanderers", "Cursive", "Moon Water", "Bamboo Dream", "Pine Smoke", "Wild Cursive" and more), Contemporary Legend Theatre ("The Kingdom of Desire", "King Lear" and more), U Theatre ("The sound of Ocean", "Meeting with Bodhisattva") and Legend Lin Dance Theatre ("Anthem to the Fading Flowers"). And served as technical coordinator of Musical “Cats" by Andrew Lloyd Webber in Taiwan tour, and as Tour Production Manager in Thailand, China and Korea between 2007 to 2009. 


She is now based in Germany and keeps her passion involving in theater. 

因熱愛劇場,於 1995年加入劇場技術工作,曾參與許多台灣及國際間知名大型表演團體的巡演,以及統籌「2006兩廳院廣場藝術節」、「2009台北藝術節」之國外演出團隊技術協調。並曾任燈光技術指導、舞台監督、巡演製作經理、 技術協調等,具有豐富的國際製作巡演經驗。現定居德國,為劇場自由工作者。


曾任:『雲門舞集』”流浪者之歌”、”紅樓夢”、”水月”、”竹夢 ”、 ”行草”、 ”松煙”、”狂草”等國內外巡迴演出之燈光技術指導,2010國外巡演專案製作經理。『當代傳奇劇場』”慾望城國”、”金屋藏嬌”、”李爾在此”、 ”貴妃醉酒”、 ”霸王別姬”、”夢蝶”等國內外巡演之舞台監督。『優人神鼓』”聽海之心”、”金剛心”國外巡演之燈光技術指導。『屏風表演班』”我妹妹”、”莎姆雷特”之燈光技術指導 ”半里長城”之舞台監督。『安德魯.洛伊.韋伯』之音樂劇 ”Cats” 2007-2009擔任台灣巡演之技術協調,於泰國、中國大陸、韓國等亞洲地區之巡演製作經理。 

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