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With an album, Island of Drums (oral. “Drum Music Land” published by Wind Music) nominated for the 52nd Grammy Awards (2010) in the Traditional World Music category, Ten Drum Art Percussion Group presents an epic scene of humanity, culture and the countryside, with a powerful drum part bringing natural energy into their signature performance. Founder and composer Shih HSIEH began playing the drums at the age of three, and Ten Drum Art Percussion Group was established in 2000 with the aim of capturing local Taiwanese culture and to train future percussionists. Ten Drum has given over 5,000 performances to a worldwide audience across Asia Pacific, Europe, South Africa and the Americas since 2008. The word “Ten” in the group’s name represents the generating powers from all directions that combine to form unity. The mind-blowing percussive art rocked audiences at the Cité de la Musique Paris, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, South African Military Tattoo, Sydney Olympics, the Vancouver Cultural Olympiad, the 2002 FIFA World Cup, the Shanghai World Expo, the Festival off d’Avignon, A l'est du nouveau France and the Percussive Arts Society International Convention (USA).




以「師法自然」自創的農樂論為樂團核心理念,傳承台灣極具代表性的廟堂鑼鼓之道教鼓樂文化為基礎,藝術總監謝十以原鄉和風華為題,創作出ㄧ系列膾炙人口的擊樂劇場作品。由風潮唱片發行的「鼓之島」更獲「葛萊美音樂獎」(Grammy Award)青睞,入圍該獎最佳世界傳統音樂類殊榮。其著名作品「吹牛雞」一曲更榮獲美國獨立音樂大獎提名。





Ten Drum Art Percussion Group 十鼓擊樂團

Shih HSIEH 謝十

Born in 1972, Shih HSIEH has often spoken of his desire to modernize and popularize Taiwanese drumming and to win a place for it in global culture. His father managed a Daoist temple, so it's hardly surprising that drumming is in his blood. He's been beating drums since he was three years old. His childhood memories on learning drumming kindled his lifelong passion for music and especially the sound of beating drums. After finishing his graduate studies in the USA, he realized the uniqueness of the drum art in Taiwan, and many of his compositions were strong related to his religious belief. He founded Ten Drum Art Percussion Group in 2000. The "Ten" in the troupe's English name is a direct translation of his given name, "Shih." 


Hsieh, who has composed the vast majority of the 60-plus works in the repertoire of Ten Drum Art Percussion Group, was not only inspired by tradtional and popular drums performances at Taoist religious celebrations in Taiwan such as Eight Generals, Tiao Gu Zhen and the Songjiang Battle Array, but has also drawn on episodes in Taiwan's history. One of the five pieces on Island of Drums, a 2009 Ten Drum album that scored a Grammy nomination in the Best Traditional World Music Album category, depicts in sound the coming to Taiwan of Koxinga, the Ming Dynasty loyalist who in 1662 evicted the Dutch from their colonial base in what's now Tainan (and from the rest of Taiwan).


The creativity and uniqueness of traditional Taiwanese drum music stems from its distinctive transmission form. For generations the music was passed down orally, from master to pupil, through an onomatopoeic system for composing and teaching. This methode fosters creativity and innovation. Around 6,000 students at over 100 elementary and high schools throughout Taiwan have attended percussion classes that are given by Ten Drum Art Percussion Group. Individuals who learn drumming don't just acquire musical skills – they also strengthen their muscles, improve their posture and physical coordination, and release stress. "Most everyone can learn to drum, if they've a passion to learn." said by Hsieh.

2011 Multimedia Music Dance Theatre: The Eastern Spring – Impressive Drums in Kaohsiung

2010 Spiritual Sword, Renascent Spirit

2009 Charm of Taiwan (Repertory in Taiwan and tour in worldwide

2008 The Sugar Refinery Legend of Tainan Rende Che Lu Cian

2007  Musical: Legend of Ching Shi Lin Drum Factory

2006  Musical: Legend of Lu Er Men – Gate of Taiwan

2005  Freedom in Your Mind

2004  Innovation of Drum Music

2003  Sound of Thunder

2001  Legacy

2000 Ten Thousand Drums



十鼓擊樂團團長暨藝術 總監

十鼓文創股份有限公司 負責人
台灣鼓術協會 理事長
國家文化總會 會員



2014 『加油!男孩』電影入圍2014韓國堤川國際音樂電影節(JIMFF)最佳影片
2013  十鼓首部自製籌拍電影『加油!男孩』、創作片頭及片尾主題曲(獲加拿大台灣電影節開幕片)

2012  獲《經理人月刊》評選為「2012 台灣百大MVP經理人」為創新品牌項目第一名
2011  十鼓第二文創園區「高雄橋糖文創園區」正式開園營運

2010  《鼓之島》風潮音樂發行,榮獲美國第五十二屆葛萊美奬(最佳世界傳統音樂奬)、第九屆獨立音樂奬兩項提名
2006 《十鼓CD&DVD》風潮音樂發行,榮獲台灣第18屆金曲奬提名(最佳民族樂曲專輯奬)
2007 創辦十鼓文化村(現今台南十鼓仁糖文創園區)
2004 籌辦「千人擊鼓」打破金氏世界紀錄(1899人演奏1953面鼓)
2004 創辦「第一屆台灣國際鼓樂節」即現今農曆春節的「十鼓節」
2000 創立「十鼓擊樂團」、「十鼓教學中心」



音樂作品及製作 2000-2014年



2014 “Good Luck, Boy!” soundtrack

2012  Enchanting East

2011  Ten Drum - Taiwan Pulsation

2009  Drum Music Island (The 52nd Grammy Awards Nominees)

2007  Ten Drum

2005  Reappearance of Thunderbolt



2013  Repertory “Charm of Taiwan”

2011  The Eastern Spring – Impressive Drums in Kaohsiung

2009  Charm of Taiwan


Movie (drama)

2013 Gook Luck, Boy!

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